scholar loan

After an account has been created for the student,
get to the manager and he provides us with a list of requirements for loan.
It is a big list with 24 requirements

  1. Application form (green color) complete in all respect-all column filled
  2. Residential Proof of the student -(Ration Card/Land line Tele/Elec bill) Bill should not be older than 3 months.
  3. Identity Proof of the Student  (worst case BITS ID card&ADMISSION slip)
  4. Residential proof of the Co-borrower (parent or guardian).
  5. Identity proof of the Co-Borrower - Voter ID card/PAN card/passport/driving liscense.
  6. PAN card of the student.(compulsory,if minor,get a minor pan card).
  7. PAN card of Co-Borrower.
  8. Opinion report of the Co-Borrower.
  9. Bank statement of the parent for Six-months(*can be availed from the bank in which parent has an account)
  10. Pre-sanction Survey Report (PSS)    Residence
  11. Pre-sanction Survey Report (PSS)    Office/Residence ( contains all the properties owned and debts of the parent and will be sent to the nearest SBI bank to your hometown,then will be checked by that bank and will be sent again to SBI pilani mentioning ALL CLEAR)
  12. Scoring sheet as per e-Circular No.200 dated 01-07-2010. (will be taken care by SBI pilani manager,need not worry!)
  13. 10th class mark sheet
  14. 12th class mark sheet
  15. Course Admission letter /Offer Letter / Bonafide Cert. from BITS PILANI (contact SWD for this)
  16. FEE STRUCTURE (can be availed from SWD office)
  17. Course/College prospectus (is included in the fee structure)
  18. affidavit confirmation that no loans are availed from other banks ( get the matter given by manager printed on a 10 rupees affidavit,we can get it from pilani court)
  19. For Salaried Borrowers-Salary slip for 3 previous months of Co-Borrower
  20.           -do-                       ITR for 3 previous years of Co-Borrower
  21.           -do-                       Identity Card of Co-Borrower
  22. For businessman             ITR for previous 3 years of Co-Borrowers including balance sheet,P&L
                                           A/c,Income Tax Paid Challans
  23. For businessman             Banker's Opinion report,if the balance sheet indicates loan account
remark:for salaried borrowers,instead of 19,20,21 sometimes FORM 16 might be accepted


    1. Well Detailed and Nicely Written Chandra...Hope it helps a lot of Freshers, Do Publish it on Every available FB Group of BITS and othr Social Sites for MAX Benefit of Ur Experience !
      Take Care !


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